Mizuho Ishikawa, Yen Xuan Ngo, Ikuto Nishikawa, Hiroko Kato, Ryo Maeda, RyosukeMizuno, Jun Mizuno, Kenji Izumi, Hiromi Yanagisawa, Aiko Sada*. Defining epithelial stem cell heterogeneity through undulating structures of the skin and oral mucosa. bioRxiv 2025.01.21.634195, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.01.21.634195 [Full Text]
Ota A, Kitamura H, Sugimoto K, Ogawa M, Dohmae N, Okuno H, Takahashi K, Ikeda K, Tomita T, Matsuoka N, Matsuishi K, Inokuma T, Nagano T, Takeo M, Tsuji T. Comparative studies of hair shaft components between healthy and diseased donors. PLoS One. 19(5):e0301092, 2024. [PubMed] [Full Text]
Takeo, M., Toyoshima, K., Fujimoto, R., Iga, T., Takase, M., Ogawa, M., Tsuji, T. Cyclical dermal micro-niche switching governs the morphological infradian rhythm of mouse zigzag hair. Nat. Commun. 4;14(1):4478, 2023. [PubMed] [Full Text] [プレスリリース]
Raja E, Changarathil G, Oinam L, Tsunezumi J, Ngo YX, Ishii R, Sasaki T, Imanaka-Yoshida K, Yanagisawa H*, Sada A*: The extracellular matrix fibulin 7 maintains epidermal stem cell heterogeneity during skin aging. EMBO Rep. e55478, 2022. [PubMed] [Full Text] [プレスリリース]
Ngo YX, Haga K, Suzuki A, Kato H, Yanagisawa H, Izumi K, Sada A*: Isolation and culture of primary oral keratinocytes from the adult mouse palate. J Vis Exp, (175): e62820, 2021. [PubMed] [Full Text] [日本語要旨]
口腔粘膜に位置する上皮幹細胞は、そのユニークな機能と特徴から近年注目されている。しかし、成体マウスの口腔粘膜組織より、初代培養細胞(ケラチノサイト)を効率的に単離・培養するプロトコールがないためにin vitroでの解析が限られていた。本研究ではマウス口蓋組織から口腔初代ケラチノサイトを単離するための培養法を確立した。本研究は筑波大学/熊本大学において博士学生Yenが中心となって行った。Yenは2022年3月に博士の学位を取得後、理研でポスドク。
Kimura K, Ramirez K, Nguyen TAV, Yamashiro Y, Sada A and Yanagisawa H: Contribution of PDGFRα-positive cells in maintenance and injury responses in mouse large vessels. Sci Rep, 11(1):8683, 2021. [PubMed] [Full Text] [プレスリリース]
Ichijo R, Kabata M, Kidoya H, Muramatsu F, Ishibashi R, Abe K, Tsutsui K, Kubo H, Iizuka Y, Kitano S, Miyachi H, Kubota Y, Fujiwara H, Sada A, Yamamoto T, Toyoshima F: Vasculature-driven stem cell population coordinates tissue scaling in dynamic organs. Science Advances, 7(7): eabd2575, 2021.
Takeo, M., Asakawa, K., Toyoshima, K., Ogawa, M., Tong, JJ., Irié, T., Yanagisawa, M., Sato, A. and Tsuji, T: Expansion and characterization of epithelial stem cells with organ-inductive potential for long-term cyclical hair regeneration. Sci Rep, 11(1):1173, 2021. [PubMed] [Full Text]
Ishii R, Yanagisawa H*, Sada A*: Defining compartmentalized stem cell populations with distinct cell division dynamics in the ocular surface epithelium. *Corresponding authors.
Development, 147(24):dev197590, 2020. [PubMed] [Full Text]
眼表面に位置する角結膜幹細胞は、上皮組織の恒常性維持や損傷修復に重要な役割を担うとともに、再生医療の細胞ソースとしても着目されている。眼表面上皮は角膜と結膜からなり、角結膜境界部の輪部とよばれる部分にLabel-Retaining Cell(LRC)として検出される細胞分裂頻度の低い幹細胞が局在することが示唆されている。結膜上皮においては、円蓋部にLRCが観察される。しかし、角結膜どちらとも特異的な幹細胞マーカーは報告されておらず、幹細胞の局在や挙動には不明な点が多い。本研究では、独自に確立した角結膜幹細胞マーカーを用い、恒常状態や損傷修復過程における幹細胞動態を解明し、眼表面疾患の理解と克服へ向けた基盤を創出した。
Oinam L, Changarathil G, Raja E, Ngo YX, Tateno H, Sada A*, Yanagisawa H: Glycome profiling by lectin microarray reveals dynamic glycan alterations during epidermal stem cell aging. *Corresponding author
Aging Cell, e13190, 2020. [PubMed] [Full Text] [EurekAlert! AAAS] [プレスリリース]
Kang S, Long K, Wang S, Sada A, and Tumbar T: Histone H3 K4/9/27 trimethylation levels affect wound healing and stem cell dynamics in adult skin. Stem Cell Reports 14(1): 34-48, 2020 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Changarathil G, Ramirez K, Isoda H, Sada A*, Yanagisawa H: Wild-type and SAMP8 mice show age-dependent changes in distinct stem cell compartments of the interfollicular epidermis. *Corresponding author
PLoS One 14(5): e0215908, 2019 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Oinam L, Changarathil G, Ngo YX, Yanagisawa H, Sada A*: Epidermal stem cell lineages. *Corresponding author. Advances in Stem Cells and their Niches, 2019 (A book chapter) [Full Text]
Tsunezumi J, Sugiura H, Oinam L, Ali A, Thang BQ, Sada A, Yamashiro Y, Kuro-O M, and Yanagisawa H: Fibulin-7, a heparin binding matricellular protein, promotes renal tubular calcification in mice.
Matrix Biol 74: 5-20, 2018 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Sada A, Jain P, Wang S, Leung E, Tumbar T: Slc1a3-CreER as a targeting tool for the K6+ epithelial stem cell niche and its precursors during mouse hair follicle cycle.
J Invest Dermatol 137(7): 1569-1571, 2017 [PubMed] [Full Text] [Commentary]
Sada A, Jacob F, Leung E, Wang S, White BS, Shalloway D and Tumbar T: Defining the cellular lineage hierarchy in the interfollicular epidermis of adult skin.
Nat Cell Biol 18: 619-631, 2016. Selected for F1000 prime. [PubMed] [Full Text] [プレスリリース] [解説]
Takeo, M., Lee, W., Rabbani, R., Sun, Q., Hu, H., Lim, CH, Manga, P. and Ito, M. EdnrB governs regenerative response of melanocyte stem cells by crosstalk with Wnt signaling. Cell Reports 15(6):1291-302. 2016.
Takeo, M., Hale, C.S, and Ito, M. Epithelium-derived Wnt ligands are essential for maintenance of underlying digit bone. J Invest Dermatol. 136(7):1355-63. 2016.
Takeo, M., Chou, W.C., Sun, Q., Lee, W., Rabbani, P., Loomis, C., M. Taketo, M.M, and Ito. M. Wnt activation in nail epithelium couples nail growth to digit regeneration. Nature. 499:228-32. 2013
Rabbani, P.*, Takeo, M.*, Chou., W.C., Myung, P., Taketo, M.M., Chin, L., Bosenberg, M., and Ito, M. Ito. Coordinated activation of Wnt signaling in epithelial and melanocyte stem cells initiates pigmented hair follicle regeneration. Cell. 145:941-55. 2011. (*co-first author)
Zhou Z, Shirakawa T, Ohbo K, Sada A, Wu Q, Hasegawa K, Saba R and Saga Y: RNA binding protein Nanos2 organizes post-transcriptional buffering system to retain primitive state of mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
Dev Cell 34(1): 96-107, 2015 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Lee SE, Sada A, Zhang M, McDermitt DJ, Lu SY, Kemphues KJ and Tumbar T: High Runx1 levels promote a reversible, more-differentiated cell state in hair-follicle stem cells during quiescence.
Cell Rep 6(3): 499-513, 2014 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Sada A and Tumbar T: New insights into mechanisms of stem cell daughter fate determination in regenerative tissues. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 300: 1-50, 2013 (A book chapter) [PubMed] [Full Text]
Sada A, Hasegawa K, Pin PH and Saga Y: NANOS2 acts downstream of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor signaling to suppress differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells.
Stem Cells 30(2): 280-291, 2012 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Suzuki H, Saba R, Sada A and Saga Y: The Nanos3-3'UTR is required for germ cell specific NANOS3 expression in mouse embryos.
PLoS One 5(2): e9300, 2010 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Suzuki H, Sada A, Yoshida S and Saga Y: The heterogeneity of spermatogonia is revealed by their topology and expression of marker proteins including the germ cell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3.
Dev Biol 336(2): 222-231, 2009 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Sada A, Suzuki A, Suzuki H and Saga Y: The RNA-binding protein NANOS2 is required to maintain murine spermatogonial stem cells.
Science 325(5946): 1394-1398, 2009 [PubMed] [Full Text]
Yamasaki H, Sada A, Iwata T, Niwa T, Tomizawa M, Xanthopoulos KG, Koike T and Shiojiri N: Suppression of C/EBPalpha expression in periportal hepatoblasts may stimulate biliary cell differentiation through increased Hnf6 and Hnf1b expression.
Development 133(21): 4233-4243, 2006 [PubMed] [Full Text]
科学研究費助成事業/若手研究、2022-2024年度、「老化のさらなる理解へ:多様な線維芽細胞が織りなす表皮-真皮ネットワークに着目 して」、代表・石川瑞穂
佐田亜衣子:ステムセルバイオロジーの視点から紐解く皮膚老化と生物学的年齢、実験医学月刊「生物学的年齢」特集、41(8): 1264-1269, 2023
佐田亜衣子:不均一な皮膚幹細胞集団が作る規則的なパターンと高度な領域化、月刊誌『科学』岩波書店、92(11) 987-991, 2022
佐田亜衣子:糖鎖と幹細胞システムから紐解く皮膚老化、基礎老化研究、46(1): 17-21, 2022
佐田亜衣子:皮膚幹細胞の老化を、糖鎖から紐解く、医学のあゆみ、278(4): 298-299, 2021
佐田亜衣子:上皮幹細胞システムの共通性と特殊性 幹細胞性はどのように規定されるか?生体の科学、72(2): 105-108, 2021
佐田亜衣子:上皮コンパートメントの幹細胞と障害に対する応答性の多様性、月刊「細胞」50(7): 11-14, 2018
佐田亜衣子:皮膚を作る幹細胞の同定・可視化技術、Cosmetic Stage 11(5): 11-20, 2017
佐田亜衣子, Tudorita Tumbar:マウス表皮には分裂頻度の異なる2種類の幹細胞が共存する、実験医学34(14): 2700-2703, 2016
佐田亜衣子, Tudorita Tumbar:マウス表皮においては性質の異なる2種類の幹細胞が共存する、ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー, 2016 http://beta.first.lifesciencedb.jp/12426
その他の記事・メデ ィアほか
(海外日本人ネットワーク)キャリア note 小さな成功体験を、少しずつ自信に変えて
ケイロン・イニシアチブ “Cheiron Article”
加齢でシミやしわが増える本当のワケ、Beyond Health、日経BP、2023年https://project.nikkeibp.co.jp/behealth/atcl/feature/00043/021000020/
表皮幹細胞を老化から守る仕組みの解明 ~皮膚の抗老化因子として細胞外マトリクスに期待~
Nature career feature, How new principal investigators tackled a tumultuous year
Nature career feature, Peer-to-peer careers advice for research managers (An article in which our lab technician, Takako, was interviewed)
Webマガジン「Kumadai Now(熊大なう。)」
Parenting in Academia Series I: Japan, UK, USA(佐田インタビューあり)
Parenting in Academia II: Australia, Germany, UK
Parenting in Academia III: Japan, Sweden, USA
皮膚が老化すると「幹細胞の顔」が変わる! ~加齢に伴う皮膚幹細胞の糖鎖変化の解析に成功~
EurekAlert! AAAS, Skin stem cells shuffle sugars as they age
他、Medical Xpress, Medical Xpress, Scienmag, News Medical, Infosurhoy, ScienceDaily, Science Codex, 15 minute news, Home Health Choicesに掲載
皮膚をつくる幹細胞の同定に成功 ~古典的概念を覆す新しいモデルの提案~
あいみっく Vol.36 No3(2015年8月)「この人・この研究」 第27回 佐田 亜衣子