Ahmed Gamal Kamel Habib
Visiting researcher
(January 2023 to June 2023)
Follow up position:
Postdoc, University of Kentucky, USA
Hi, my name is Ahmed. I am from Egypt. I graduated from Hiroshima University. Currently, I am a visiting researcher in Dr. Sada’s lab. I am interested in understanding the mechanisms that regulate epidermal stem cell aging and exploring how the stem cells of the skin behave during aging. I hope my work will lead to identify new selective targets for the development of therapies for aging-related diseases in the skin, including cancer and improve human health longevity.
Bhanubhong Prommalee, Pharm.D.
Ph.D. student (double degree program)
I am so grateful to have an opportunity to be part of Dr. Aiko' s team. As a Thai pharmacist who is interested in clinical pharmacy and health informatics, getting more knowledge of skin regeneration and aging will be consolidated and conducted for my drug discovery research.
Nguyen Thi Kim NguyenPostdoctoral Fellow
ollow up position:
Postdoc, University of Michigan, USA
Hi, my name is Nguyen. I am from Vietnam. I graduated from the University of Tsukuba and now I am working at Sada lab. as a postdoc. I am interested in skin stem cells and aging. I hope that my research will contribute to the understanding of skin aging and can be applied to prevent aging in the future.
Takako KeidaLaboratory Technician
Takako has been working in Kumamoto University for 20 years! She joined Sada lab in 2020 April and supported our research in Kumamoto.
Bhanubhong Prommalee, Pharm.D.
(博士学生、double degree program)
I am so grateful to have an opportunity to be part of Dr. Aiko' s team. As a Thai pharmacist who is interested in clinical pharmacy and health informatics, getting more knowledge of skin regeneration and aging will be consolidated and conducted for my drug discovery research.
Mohamed Hegazy Mohamed
進路:Lecturer, Minia University (Egypt)
Hello. I am Hegazy an Egyptian postdoctoral fellow. I obtained my Ph.D. from Kanazawa University, Japan in September 2016. Then, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Ku
Erna Raja
Postdoctoral Fellow
(July 2019 to May 2022)
Follow up position:
Assistant Professor,
University of Tsukuba
Hi, I am currently working on skin stem cell aging with Dr. Sada. We are interested in the aging mechanism due to cell intrinsic factors, microenvironment and cell-cell interaction. Research life has been exciting and gives me the chance to meet and learn from many different cultures. In my free time I enjoy gardening, fishing, nature walk and eating good food!
Yen Xuan Ngo
Postdoctoral Fellow
(April 2018 to July 2022)
Follow up position:
Postdoc, RIKEN
Hi, I come from Vietnam and currently be interested in oral epithelial stem cell and tissue engineering. I love research and mouse experiments because sciences are full of curiosity and imagination. I have chance to travel, meet and work with people from different cultures. What I would do if I have free time: I prefer reading books, travelling and exploring good food.
Mohamed Hegazy Mohamed Ahmed
Visiting researcher
(April 2022 to October 2022)
Follow up position:
Lecturer, Minia University (Egypt)
Hello. I am Hegazy an Egyptian postdoctoral fellow. I obtained my Ph.D. from Kanazawa University, Japan in September 2016. Then, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Kunming Medical University, China (2018-2020). I’m very happy to finally join Sada sensei Lab. In Dr. Aiko's group, I will be focusing on defining the metabolic alterations in epidermal stem cells in both mice and human skin. I hope our research would have a great impact on the scientific field and importantly translated to improve human health. During my free time, I enjoy watching football (Soccer), Fishing, and Traveling.